Well, it’s been a while since I’ve updated this page! Got busy with fall and wintertime activities but now it’s time to get rolling with the new fishing season coming on as we speak! The first thing to note is that we have our official date for the 2023 ITC Invitational Tournament. The date is Saturday, August 26th with the Captain’s meeting on Friday the 25th. Last year’s event was very well received, and a good time was had by most everyone and especially the teams that won! Big payouts and we fully expect the same thing this year. The majority of the 32 teams that signed up last year are planning on entering again this year and the expectation is to maintain our current team count and to not expand. This will allow us to continue to host the event at the clubhouse and control our overhead costs and deliver a quality tournament for the teams!
For those considering joining the club, we are expanding the club benefits to our members that will include more ice availability, cold storage, and fish processing facility access. If you’ve been waiting to inquire, now’s the time as we anticipate a few openings coming up this season. So far, the North of Falcon proposals seem to show another spectacular ocean salmon season this year. We should know exact dates and quotas by early April. With that, we have the halibut quota and dates for the summer as well. All good news there with plenty of opportunity to get out and fill your halibut cards! To keep the good news rolling, ODFW decided to remove the fathom restriction for the fishery south of the Astoria Canyon which means that a guy could stop for deep-water lingcod or rockfish on his way in from tuna. As always, if you’re in Ilwaco, please feel free to stop by the clubhouse and check us out and visit with the club members. Mark White ITC President Seems hard to believe, but the tournament weekend is finally here! For those that haven't been made aware, click the ILWACO TUNA CLUB INVITATIONAL tab on the tool bar and read about what we have going on this weekend! Big money payouts, biggest on the west coast, for Albacore tuna tournaments! We have 32 teams entered and we are looking at some great weather coming this weekend with decent fishing currently happening offshore! You can follow along live with our "LIVE LEADERBOARD" that will keep you up to date on what's happening while it's happening! Should be a great event!
As most of you already know, tuna have been reporting south in central and southern Oregon. The fish that are up this way are still way offshore, with rumors of the commercial fleet catching them out near the 127 line. Everyone's fingers are crossed waiting for them to get closer and the expectation/hope is that we will see sport tuna caught in the next week to 10 days. Last year we hit fish on July 17th, I'm hoping we don't have to wait that long this year but it's only about a week away! If you go, please make sure and let us know how you did, even if it was just a long boat ride!